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General physiotherapy treatments are carried out with different techniques, specifically suiting the individual patient.


We treat the different ailments that babies or children may suffer from, whether congenital or acquired.


We physically treat different forms of trauma pathology with the main goal of alleviating pain, reducing inflammation, regaining mobility and the functionality of the patient. Especially in the case of fractures, dislocations and sprains, muscular injuries and/or tendon damage, etc.


We treat all pathologies relating to the central and peripheral nervous systems, such as neurological syndromes, spinal lesions and illnesses, brain injuries, polyneuritis, paralysis, etc.


Over the years, our body ages and requires more care and attention. The elderly should age with the greatest quality of life possible.


We treat the different injuries and problems resulting from sport. Among the more common ailments we find muscle strain, over-load, bruising, elongations, tissue tearing.

Uro - gynaecological physiotherapy

Pregnancy, childbirth, post-natal phase, constipation, obesity, menopause and some sports practices may weaken the pelvic muscular tissue leading to urinary incontinence due to effort, prolapses (descent of pelvic organs) and sexual dysfunctions (reduction in sensitivity during relations, dyspareunia, vaginismus).

Preparation for childbirth (Pre-natal)

As of 28 weeks’ gestation, we offer group classes in which the physical and theoretical aspects are worked on, which help future mothers to face delivery with greater confidence and preparation.
Individual sessions are also available, in preparation of the pelvic floor (perineum massage).

Post-natal recovery

Starting 6 weeks after having given birth, progressive physical activity may be begun while paying particular attention to the pelvic floor and to overall posture recovery. These are group lessons and the babies may be brought. These also include progressive introduction of hypo-pressive abdominal gymnastics.

Urinary and faecal incontinence

Specific treatment personalised to the most common dysfunctions in the pelvic floor. We generally combine manual therapy, exercises and electro-stimulation.


We usually combine individual manual treatment with hypo-pressive and pelvic region strengthening exercises.

Sexual dysfunctions

The different incidences (anorgasmy dyspareunia, vaginismus or erectile dysfunction) with different specific techniques in each case.

Manual lymph drainage

A soft massage endeavouring towards the activation of the outer lymphatic system for improved excretion of interstitial fluid and of large-sized molecules as well as to facilitate their evacuation.
We adhere to the Leduc method of lymph drainage.


There are several types of massage, from relaxation through to the therapeutically specific, and the sports-related.


For treatment and improvement of any muscle spasm or strain.


Specific for people with regular physical exercise habits.


In order to improve return circulation, especially in the lower limbs.


With the goal of removing the greatest amounts of tension, both muscular and mental… we offer relaxing body massages.


Myo-fascial techniques in massage work on the fascia, improving its muscular function and its interrelation with other muscles and vessels (blood, lymph, nerve), as these control muscular layout and chains.


One can separate bandages into two types.


Bandaging that can be applied with different materials, depending on the intended aim and which allows for certain support to the joint that requires it, without excessively limiting functionality.

Neuromuscular Kinesiotaping

A specific bandage performed with an elastic tape in different colours and must be placed in a particular position for muscular stretching. Its benefits include improved pain symptomatology and improved lymph and blood flow.


A type of manual therapy complementary to conventional medicine, in which the patient is treated in a comprehensive manner, as a whole, restoring compromised body balance.
The techniques applied focus on different tissues: the muscular-skeletal system, visceral, nervous system, cranial…
Made up of:

Structural osteopathy

Musculo-skeletal system.

Cranio-sacral osteopathy

Works on cranial micro-mobility and improves the circulation of cerebro-spinal fluid through the meningeal membranes.

Visceral osteopathy

Frees tension and improves visceral mobility.

Ailments fitting osteopathy:

The osteopath performs a diagnosis in order to reach the root of the issue, since often the symptomatology does not match the real causing factors or event. If he or she suspects the presence of a pathology requiring medical care, the osteopath will refer the patient to the relevant doctor.

Migraines, head-aches, dizziness, digestive or gynaecological disorders.

Neck pain, back pain, lumbago, sciatica, sequential sprains, neuralgia, compressive syndromes.

Jaw problems.

Paediatric: infant lactation colic.


A practice of yoga in which therapeutic techniques with a preventative or healing end are applied. In our Yoga classes we combine a series of “asanas” (positions), with breathing and relaxation. This helps us improve our physical, emotional and mental sides, through gradual training for resistance, movement, flexibility, blood oxygenation, increased vitality, muscular, bone and joint strength.

Through relaxation and observation of one’s own physical experience, one moves forward on the path to improved consciousness of one’s own body, connecting with the present and focusing on the attitude and desire of recovery.

Other services

We also offer the following services


We have different electrical tools available as support in other treatment techniques. We also have ultrasound equipment, electro-stimulation, TENS and infra-red lighting.


Shockwaves are sound waves helping to accelerate the healing process in particular cases, improving metabolism, increasing blood circulation and regenerating and curing damaged tissue.

Dry puncturing

An invasive technique specifically for treatment of trigger points through the use of acupuncture needles.

Manual therapy

We use different procedure manoeuvres for joint-freeing and for movement of the spinal column and peripheral joints, according to different methods and authors (Sohier, Maintland, Menel, etc.)