What are the benefits of therapy?
Physiotherapy helps us with endless ailments, yet it could be of even greater help to us. Turning to a physiotherapist we trust should be a regular habit whether we are feeling pain or not. Pain is often a final warning our body sends our way, and this on numerous occasions means it is too late to pay attention to.
Through the use of massages, manoeuvres and specific therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy can correct countless problems in a very efficient, natural manner, valuing movement as the best healing path.
Health and wellbeing
EThe services of a good physical therapist can reduce the long-term impact of a disease or accident, as well as provide assistance in attaining earlier and more complete recovery.
Physical therapy can restore mobility, freedom and independence, bringing considerable changes into the lives of people opting for this path.
About us
At the Úrsula Perelló Physiotherapy Center, there are four local physiotherapists with several years of experience and different
specialisations besides physiotherapy.
We offer services such as osteopathy, yoga, specific treatments for the pelvic floor, among others.
A team of professionals at the service of your health, with qualified and registered staff.

Úrsula Perelló
Owner of the physiotherapy center
Studied for her physiotherapy degree at Universidad Rovira i Virgili, in Reus (Spain) in the third graduate year of the course, 1995-1998.
Col. Num. 21.
For nine years she worked at the Pollença Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Center, as a co-owner and in the year 2007 opened her own practice in Port de Pollença: “Úrsula Perelló Fisioteràpia”.
She is an specialist physiotherapy in a urinary incontinence.

Julia Rosende Mustillo
Studied at Universidad de Valencia (Spain), in the 2000-2003 graduate year.
Col. Num. 383.
She studied Osteopathy C.O. (EOM-ROFE), in the 2006-2011 graduate year. Then she studied the Myofascial Therapy (dry needling) of Travell & Simmons (2012).
Has worked at different centers as a physiotherapist and for Conselleria d’ Educació as a physiotherapist in schools.
Currently working as a physiotherapist and osteopath at the “Úrsula Perelló Fisioteràpia”, in Port de Pollença.

Cati Vila Capó
Specialized in physiotherapy at Universidad de Vic (Barcelona), in its 2nd graduate year (1999-2002).
Col. Num. 286.
Has worked at different rehabilitation clinics.
She studied Postural Global Reeducation, Hipopresiva Abdominal Gymnastics (without intra-abdominal pressure), Motor Control Exercises and Spinal Stabilization.
Works at the Úrsula Perelló Physiotherapy Center since 2007.

Katerina Svedova
Born in the Czech Republic, where she studied physiotherapy at Alomonc University (2000),
subsequently Physical and Special Education at Charles University in Prague.
Col. Num. 1026.
After her studies she worked in a center focused specifically on disabled children in Alomonc and then at Madal Hospital in Prague.
In 2006 she came to Mallorca and began working at “Centro de Rehabilitación de Pollensa” for three years.
Currently self-employed, as a physiotherapist and teacher of Hatha Vinyasa Yoga.
The Center
Located in Port de Pollença, our center is authorised by the health ministry Consejería de Salud de la Comunidad de las Islas Baleares and by the College of Physiotherapy of the Balearic Islands
The Úrsula Perelló Center features four booths or personal treatment rooms, an entrance hall and wheelchair-accessible bathroom, as well as a large hall where group activities take place such as yoga, pre- and post-natal classes, spinal groups, and so forth, fully air-conditioned.
In the back end of the center there is a large courtyard providing light and life to the center, through its design and vegetation.
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